It was my first

I did something yesterday that I’ve never done before. I went with Daryl to the Farmer’s Co-op appreciation meal that showcased how well the corn and beans did this summer. The official description was, ‘The latest genetics and information for the 2012 growing season will be showcased….” What I think it really was is a good night for the guys to hang out and eat some barbecued ribeye sandwiches with all the fixings, and talk about farming. But I said that I would go and into the pickup we went and headed down the road. It was just at our neighbors so we really didn’t have to go too far. When we got there we parked in line with all the other trucks and made our way over to the tent. I was glad to see that there was some other wives there and it didn’t take long that we found our way in the food line. The sandwich was HUGE! And it was really good! After we ate we went down to look at all the different corn plots that were planted. There is a line of all different corn that is planted with signs to tell you which one was which.  I guess they do this so you can get an idea on what corn does well and what didn’t do so good. I should have brought my camera because they really put a lot of work into this meal and information. They spray painted the bottom of the corn plant roots so you can check out the root system on each plant, and it didn’t take Daryl long to show me which corn that we have planted in our fields. They also had two guys giving corn tours and talking about what’s new and upcoming in the corn business. I was glad that I went because it really made me think how important it is to get the right corn to plant and with the really dry weather this year – which corn did well and which didn’t. But you know what I liked best about the night? My free sling back. It’s got a zipper and it’s insulated. Score for me!

Not sure when I'll use this - but when I need it, I'll be ready!

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