Projects for today

OK, I don’t know how many socks your family has – but I’m telling you that ours has way too many! I just couldn’t stand it anymore, so all the socks that we own came out of the closet and it was time to downsize. If it looked the least bit that we weren’t wearing it, into a bag it went for the Good Will Store. By the time that I got done sorting them, I ended up with a half of a bag full of socks that will don’t need. What? Why on earth did we have so many? So now the closet looks so much better and to be honest, did we really need the Halloween and Christmas socks? I’m thinking NOT!

Next to organize was my ‘stuff’ in the bathroom. I threw about half (or maybe even more) out of everything that I had from lotions to makeup. Again, I don’t understand why I keep all these things. You never use them, but just keep them, you know.. just in case. Those extra things went into the trash, and again it looks so much better.

Then I cleaned the refrigerator. If I didn’t remember buying what was in there – out it went. The only bad thing now is that there really isn’t anything left in it but some eggs. I guess I’d better go grocery shopping this weekend. Daryl was saying that it looked pretty bare earlier today, just wait until he sees it now.

And to finish off my cleaning rampage, I decided that this one flower section by the fire pit needed something done with it. So off to town I went to find some landscaping tarp, flowers, and mulch. I couldn’t find the right color of mulch where I bought the last stuff and was getting pretty sick of trying to find some this afternoon. I don’t know if it’s because I hardly go shopping anymore, but man I really do not enjoy shopping lately. Just about when I was going to give up, I ran into a friend in town and I told her that I might just get a close color to what was there and call it good. She gave me kind of a funny look and said that there was a new business that was just starting to sell landscaping stuff, maybe I’d have good luck there. Well I guess that meant that I probably should do it right and back across town to see if they did have any. She was right because they did have some that would work, Yea! But they didn’t have any top soil, so back across town to the other store to buy that. I just wanted any top soil that would work and when I found the cheapest stuff, and told the cashier that I needed 10 bags of it. They were smaller bags and like I said, pretty cheap. The cashier asked if I really wanted this kind. I said why not? And she said it not dirt, but manure! OK, not so good. First of all I never knew that they sold manure in bags in a store before, and second thing I could get that at our farm if I really wanted it. So back to the shelves to pick up the right kind and finally I headed home. Thank Goodness!

The pickup was full by the time I got home

It wasn’t such a bad job cleaning up the area and putting down the mulch. I used a lot of landscaping tarp so I’m hoping that it’ll help with the weeds. The new flowers that I planted were ones that attract butterflies so that’s kind of cool. I wanted to put a rock border around the outside of all the flowers, but holy smoke that wasn’t going to happen tonight!  Anyway after everything was said and done, I took a shower to get cleaned up. Then I had good intentions of making some pepper jelly. I had everything to do it except the most important thing – the ambition. Daryl headed to our schools football game and I said that I wanted to make this jelly to use up some of the peppers that I had. What did I end up doing? I ended up watching a really scary movie instead with a bottle of Diet Coke beside me. It was a good way to end the night.

Kind of weedy and needing a little lovin'

Good thing done tonight

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