Knee high by the 4th of July

Knee high by the 4th of July – that’s how tall your corn is supposed to be.  This saying must be very old, because it’s been a long time since I’ve seen anyone’s corn only knee high in July.

Dad and my sister in the corn field over 50 years ago

The only time that this might have happened is when we had a hail storm take out some fields of  corn and people had to replant. But usually  you want it much higher than knee high. I convinced Daryl to stand out in the field after we went bike riding in the late afternoon. The corn is just waiting for it to rain – and I’m not sure we’re going to get any. We continue to watch the forecast and there are some churches in the area having masses to pray for some rain.

Daryl standing by our corn field

When I was out picking up peacock feathers today, I ended up walking in our  grove to see if there was any in there.  I was thinking about a story that I heard awhile back about Daryl’s Mom’s brothers. The story goes that her family house where she grew up on the farm, in the summer would get so hot that her brothers would take their beds outside and put it under the trees for the summer. It sounded like they would make a type of top roof covering for it and there they would sleep at night. I just never heard of such a thing before, until this past week. There was someone in town who doesn’t have any air conditioning and his house was so hot. They said that he was sleeping out under the trees at night. As I was thinking of this and walking in our grove, the light breeze was blowing and it was really kind of peaceful and not hot at all. I can see if they were looking for a cool place to sleep, this would be the best bet. I know having air conditioning is a good thing, and especially these past few weeks, but I’m thinking that it really wasn’t such a bad idea at all. But for now? I’m staying with our bed and air conditioning inside our house.

My daylilies finally bloomed by the old milk house. I don’t know why they took so long  because I saw others like it that had bloomed over a month ago. I transplanted them about 4 years ago and they’ve spread in the area. The bottoms of them are so dry and even with watering them, they still are getting so brown.  I’m thinking this fall I’ll have to thin them back a little because they are looking just a little bit too thick right now and I’ve got the perfect spot by the Roadhouse for them.

My daylilies finally bloomed!

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