Let’s freeze some corn

It’s that time of the year ago when the sweet corn is ready and guess what that means? It means that you better be ready too! 

See there’s just a small window when you need to get the corn into the freezer otherwise you’ll have either one of two things that will happen. The first thing is that your corn will become overripe very fast and the corn won’t taste very good even if it’s the dead of winter. The second thing is that if you don’t get after it, the raccoons will soon help you out with clearing the fields and you won’t have to worry about freezing anything !

So that’s what we did this weekend. We froze corn. And it didn’t seem like that much corn when we started and honestly when you first start it’s kind of exciting. DSCN9650I mean the smell of the fresh corn as it’s being cut off the cob and then the multiple taste tasting that happens as it was boiling on the stove before you hurried up and put it on ice to cool. But then guess what? Well the fun of the day quickly fades away and all you can see is corn and more corn. Then you start to think to yourself, just how much does that bag of frozen corn cost in town at the local grocery store? But then you remember how wonderful fresh frozen corn tastes from the field and you keep pushing forward and slowly and surely you finally get done. 

Well for this year I asked Ma for her corn recipe. She says that her’s is the best one around and after taste testing the corn for over 4 hours this afternoon as I was in the kitchen, well I think she just must be right! 

Here’s the recipe she uses. She said that it’s really not her recipe and it’s originally Anatashia Kriener’s from the St. Lucas cookbook. Either way – it’s the one that I’m using this weekend! 

Recipe: 16 cups corn cut from the cob, 1 stick of butter, 3 cups of water, 4 tsp. salt, 1/2 cup of sugar. Full boil for 1 minute and then put corn on ice to cool before freezing. 

And the best tip of the day? Well my brothers use an air compressor to get the fine corn hairs off the cobs before you cut the corn off the cobs and that sure seemed to work well also for us! 

Now to the trick is to try to keep the corn until this winter!IMG_20170812_120014_481_resized



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