After work tonight, Daryl went to the lumber yard to get some wood for the cattle shed roof. He has to put these pieces on the existing roof so that the tin has something to be nailed to. It looks like a lot of hammering nails to me! After he put the first ones on, I’m sure the rest will go up easier. He wants to get the wood on the shed done this weekend and with only a small chance of rain in the forecast, he should have good luck with the weather.
As for me? Well I checked out my garden. And if you are wondering just how is that vegetable masterpiece and a little piece of heaven going? Yea…. bad. Really bad! I took this picture to show a flowering weed that seems to be making a home in my garden. Now if you look close you’ll notice that it’s a bull thistle! That is not good. So I’m going to see if I can rescue my onions maybe this weekend and then start with Round Up on most of the rest of the garden. I’m not a huge fan of chemicals , but I’m thinking maybe I should start!