Doing errands today

I spent most of the day during errands. I’ve come to realize if I could choose on what to do for the day, running errands would not be high on my list. But I do know that they need to get done, and if I’m home while everyone is either at school or work there is no reason why I’m not the best candidate for the job. But for tomorrow, I think I should be able to stay home and get some painting done.

I was able to get two coats of sealant on the barn sign done this morning and was hoping that Daryl would be able to help me put it up on the barn tonight when he got home. But it’s almost 9 pm and Daryl is still at work. After 14 hours (or more – depends when he will get home) I’m positive that the sign can wait until tomorrow.

William is planning his Senior pictures taken this weekend. There is a family that our kids are  pretty much just part of their family and their daughter and her husband are coming home from Texas this weekend for a visit. They own a photography studio there and will be taking William’s pictures while they are home. William was wanting a picture of him with the dogs taken, but the dogs needed a little grooming so I started this in the afternoon. By the time I got home from town, it was too late to start painting. Apollo loves to be brushed and in the picture that I took, it almost looks like he is smiling. Reno is a much different. She just wants you to rub her legs. To be honest, I think it’s because she runs after trucks driving by like she’s going mad and I’m sure that her legs just ache at the end of the day. Apollo will have ton’s of stuff stuck in his hair and it’s a job to get it cleaned out, but Reno’s hair is much finer and isn’t as bad to brush. We’ll see if they can keep it halfway nice by the weekend!

Apollo looking happy after being brushed out

I’ve been watching our pheasants lately and for some reason Martha (the female) is always sitting on the ledge on the rafters and looking a little tough. So the only thing that I can think of is that Walter the Rooster is mean to her. If you remember Walter he is the rooster that the other roosters were mean to and they pecked a hole in his head. He was moved out of that coop and moved him into the side with the pheasants. Well his head is much better now and I think it’s time for him to go back with the other chickens. I’m going to try to catch him tomorrow and put him back on the other side. I tried to catch him tonight but wasn’t very successful.

Walter looking much better now

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3 Responses to Doing errands today

  1. Judy says:

    Apollo sure looks nice and you’ve got enough fur there to re-fill those cushions the dogs keep tearing apart!

  2. tammy k. says:

    Ha ha, when I first saw the picture, before reading the post, I thought “Oh, no! The dogs really did a number on her cushions this time!” Glad it was just a trim. Apollo looks quite stately. I had to take Ivy to the vet this week and one of the things he had me start doing was give her an Omega 3 fatty acid, fish oil capsule each day. This is suppose to help keep her skin and coat healthy and help her stop itching if she has allergy problems. She does scratch sometimes, but not too bad. Her coat had been looking really poor, so I started her on the pills Tuesday. You should see her now! Just a few days in and her coat is shiny and sleek and soft. Those pills work wonders. Oh, if you do decide to get them, don’t do what I did and get them from the vet. I found the same thing at Aldi for less than $4, when I paid $18 at the vet! Live and learn….

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