Please wind go away!

Last night we could hear the rain hit the side of the house and it  just shook it until we could hear the rain spouts go flying. We are getting ready for the next storm to literally blow through. It’s also prom tonight so the only good thing about this weather is that it waited until the kids got all their outside pictures taken. I know that it’s only been two years since William has been out of high school, but it seems like it was just last week when we were the parents helping with all the festivities. And now? Instead of going to the Grand March at the school we were at a wedding of one of our friend’s kids. Which just proves that time does keep going on doesn’t it.

So it’s windy and raining and all last night as I was laying in bed I kept thinking, ‘please don’t take off any panels’. We just had got the panels put back up on William’s greenhouse and I was so afraid that the whole shed was going to be tore apart this morning and all my seeds planted were going to be ruined. So that was the first thing that I looked at and I was kind of puzzled. It looked like it didn’t get any damage. Weird. Then as I was letting the chickens out I noticed that it took a panel off the top. Have I mentioned that I really HATE wind? So not being able to do a thing outside today, we stopped in at Ma’s in the early afternoon to see why her I Pad wasn’t printing and then off to town to grab something to eat for dinner/supper. We also are still looking for a vehicle which is a lot harder than either of us thought it would be. But with not much else going on, we drove to a couple of different towns just checking out if we could find something that we liked. And guess what? We didn’t see anything that grabbed our attention. We also didn’t want to stay too long in any of the towns because there were severe storm warnings out for just about everyone in Iowa and we didn’t want to get caught in the bad weather.

And for the rest of the night, I spent it in the craft room making cards. We’ve got a few Graduation parties to go to and also some weddings in the next month or two so instead of trying to get them done the day of the party, it’s so much easier to get them done before hand. Now I’m sure that the mad scramble on some of the stuff coming up will happen, but at least for now I’ve got a good start. The ones that I made today are kind of generic and I’ve got a couple that I still have to make that need to be more detailed, but like I said I have a good start on it.DSCN8350 While I was working on the cards I used a good trick that I only found out about within the last year or two. I’ve always used some type of stamp cleaner on my stamps and that worked pretty good. Then someone told me to use baby wipes, and the cheaper the better. Shazam! If you do any type of stamping and need to get them cleaned, this works really well.

Use baby wipes on your stamps to get them clean

Use baby wipes on your stamps to get them clean

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