Saturday Chores

It’s Saturday and it’s nice outside – well it’s a little windy but at least it’s not raining right? We’ve got a wedding this afternoon so we’re trying to get as much done as we can this morning. First things first, breakfast. If you ever want to make bacon while your’e doing just about everything else that you can at the same time, here’s a trick that I like to use. Take a baking sheet and put some type of covering on the bottom of it. Now this can be parchment paper or tin foil it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that this will catch the grease and will really help with the clean up. Next goes on something to hold your bacon. I like to use the cookie racks that I have. Well, honestly it’s about the only thing that I have in the kitchen that would work for this 🙂 Next put your bacon on the racks and bake it at 350. DSCN8342Once you start to smell the bacon in the kitchen start watching it so you don’t burn it. And when you’re bacon is done I found out that you can also have the dishwasher unloaded, a load of laundry in the washer, floor swept, and Little Kitty fed. Yup, it’s a good kitchen trick to know in our house.DSCN8343

Other things going on this morning was that I’m still planting seeds in William’s greenhouse. I’ve also found out that I’ve got waaaayyyyy too many tomato plants planted again. Well to my defense my last years garden for lack of better words – Stunk! and this year I’m determined to do so much better. But I think I’ve got more than 100 tomato plants that have come up so far. Yea – I told you that I had a lot!

Daryl quick ran to town to get some parts for the Uni loader and then worked on transferring corn. I spent the rest of the morning cleaning out some closets and working on my next load to the consignment store. I met with them yesterday and found myself signing up with their program. You pay $5 to join and then you get 40% of what your item sells for.  How it works is that they review your things that you bring in and if they want it in their store they give you an itemized list along with what they are going to sell it for. Now even if the things don’t sell, it still helps me with my quest to try to get better organized and get rid of the things that we really don’t need.

And the picture of the day is a picture of the eggs that I gathered this morning. Ma stopped over the other day to drop off some homemade beef noodle soup and other goodies when she saw how many eggs that I had. She had taken 10 dozen the other day and dropped them off at my sisters. DSCN8344And then I took another 10 dozen and dropped them off for some ladies. And today – well we’ve got eggs again. I don’t know how many chickens that we really have and I’m just going to have to count them one of these days. I do know that our population has decreased because some of them couldn’t  make it through the winter. I told Ma that I think that they are so happy that they can get out of the coop and that the sun is shining so that’s why they’re laying so much. She said that she thinks that they’re just showing off!DSCN8348

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