Only 7 lives left

If you remember that I found a little kitty over a week ago and she was doing really well. She is fat and more spoiled as the days go by and I decided today that I’m sure glad that cat’s have 9 lives. The first one that she lost was when the dogs were ‘playing’ with her. They were tossing her into the air and it wasn’t pretty. Then today she lost the next one. I try to have her go with me to do chores so she gets used to being outside and in the yard. Well she was with me in the garden when I was picking tomatoes and then I went to feed the chickens. The last time I saw her was by the garden and I had no clue she could run that fast.  I was opening the chicken coop when all of a sudden the ground felt really soft. I knew that storms went through this morning and dumped quite a bit of rain, but this didn’t really feel like soft ground. It just felt soft. I then realized that I was standing on this poor little kitty. This wasn’t good. When I bent down to pick her up she was making the same motions as a fish does when he’s out of the water too long. Her little mouth was just gasping at the air and she wasn’t really focusing on anything but maybe why this amazon women just STEPPED on her! I knew that I didn’t have anything to loose so I thought maybe her heart stopped or something, so I tried to do the Heimlich on her. This was a challenge and I’m sure it was just her wanting me to stop doing this but she started to breath again. I felt really, really bad so inside the house she went and I wanted to see if she could still eat because she still didn’t look too good. I fed her some barbecued steak and milk and she was able to eat it all. All morning I kept checking on her to see if she was still alive and she acted like nothing happened at all. So tomorrow I think I’ll make sure I know where she’s at all the time!

William holding the Little Kitty

I spent part of the day working on some Thank You cards that needed to get done. I was happy how they turned out and below are the pictures of them. You can click on them to enlarge them.                                                                                                  

I was able to get the machine scraped and it’s all ready to get painted. Daryl put up some extra boards on the bottom to sturdy the doors. Tomorrow morning I have some errands to run and then I hope to get this side painted. Today the shed was just too wet to paint. I’m not sure how much rain we did end up getting. We used to have a rain gauge but it kept disappearing.

The door fixed and ready to get painted

I was also experimenting with a recipe tonight. It was for caramels that I have had good luck with,  and tonight I wanted to see if I could double it and have it turn out. 4 cups of heavy cream, 4 cups of white sugar, 2 cups of brown sugar, over a pound of pecans, 4 sticks of butter, and evaporated milk all went into it. After watching and stirring it for over 2 1/2 hours, it didn’t turn out. Then I tried to use Movie Maker to put some videos together for Daryl and when it was all done and it should have worked – it didn’t. I think I’m going to go to bed and look at it tomorrow morning. I sure hope I have better luck then.

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2 Responses to Only 7 lives left

  1. Lainee says:

    There must be a real flaw in my character that I can have such a good giggle over a poor kitty having the air mashed out of it…yes, I even snorted. I believe the kitty should be called Lucky from here on out.

    Really enjoying your farm adventures.

    • farm2011 says:

      If you would have seen me trying to get it back to life you really would have got a good laugh! I was thinking – well maybe no one will notice that she’s not moving around so much. Thanks for the comment.

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