I never imagined this!

I’ve been exposed to bees and wasps along with the dogs getting into the paint, but today takes the number one BAD thing so far! I was painting with red today and needed to move the large shed doors so I can paint both them and what was behind it. When I started to move the doors I saw something fly out. Now we have a lot of barn swallows or sparrows flying around so no big deal. But then I saw it land behind me on the side of the granary. What? why would it land on the side of a building? When I walked over to take a look,  I almost died. It was a HUGE, I mean really HUGE bat! As I was checking it out, it turned it’s head and it’s beady little eyes just looked at me. I thought I was going to get sick. I didn’t know what to do, but I did know that  I couldn’t hardly paint and have my back turned to it. So I went into the house to get the broom and hopefully it would fall on the ground. I called the dogs over for them to take a look and they would only get so close and then just stand there. I wasn’t sure what was going on with them until I started to walk to the house to put the broom back and they just ran away from me as I was getting closer. Then I realized that they are scared to death of the broom because if they bark during the night I don’t have any issues running after them in the dark with the broom and yelling at them. I’m not sure if it’s the broom or me that really scares them come to think of it. So getting back to trying to paint, I moved another door and there was another bat that must have been hurt in the rollers because one was right beside my flip flops. Now two bats and it’s kind of creeping me out. I put the ladder up against the wall and looked up and there was another bat. So back to the house I went and when I came back – no bat. Now I’m trying to figure out where it went and I didn’t get much painted after that. I’m hoping that tomorrow I’ll have a better day painting. When Daryl came home from work, I told him my terrible story about the bats, but he just kind of smiled and didn’t say much. Not sure what that meant. He did move the diesel fuel barrel away from machine shed so I can paint behind it and so he can level the ground. That should work a lot easier for me tomorrow and if he can find a better spot to put it, he wants to move it away from this shed.

The first of three hanging out with me today

Making room for me to paint

We decided that we’re going to wait on putting patio blocks on the hog barn area. We didn’t think we would do the job that we wanted to and we’ll look at it again next spring. For now, William and Daryl dragged the area once again and then planted seed grass. (Thank goodness we didn’t have to pick rock the third time) We’ve been watering the lower part of this spot anyway and we’re hoping that it’s going to rain tonight to help jump start the newest part that was just planted.

Planting grass on the old hog barn foundation

And for the last thing of the day – check out the picture below. I don’t think I even need to comment on it.

I wonder who did this? There were no dogs in sight when I went outside.

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One Response to I never imagined this!

  1. tammy k. says:

    my sympathies on the loss of your cushion…

    i am so going to have to try the broom thing on my dog. you wouldn’t believe that i just asked for suggestions on how to quiet my dog at night on my blog before i read yours today, but i did. she’s driving me nuts at night with her barking.

    i don’t think i would push the dogs too much to investigate the bats. around here there have been cases of rabid bats. if you have any of them that were acting funny, you might want to call animal control or the county. just a thought…

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