Thinking instead of sleeping

I am an avid fan of anything to do with ghosts or scary things,  so I’m sure most of the time it’s my imagination when I get spooked. My Mom always says that’s it’s just the house settling when we would hear something as a kid in our house that I grew up in. So now that I’m married and our house on our farm is way over a 100 years old, there are creeks or noises that sure could be just that.

In order to tell the story of what happened yesterday,  I need to start with the end of the day and then go to the beginning of the day yesterday. Daryl and I were in bed and at 10:41 pm when all of a sudden the alarm clock goes off. When Daryl looked at it, he said that there is absolutely no reason why this clock should go off. He shut it off and he went to sleep with no problems. When I was laying in bed I started to think about some of the other things that also went on during the day and started to scare myself. I tried to think of tons of other things so I could get to sleep.. but at 1:30 am I was still awake. What I was thinking about was William yesterday morning. I asked him to make sure that he sets his alarm clock for school. He’s like every other kid and using his phone and when I ended up waking him up he said that his phone was shut off. Now if he had the alarm go off – he would have shut the alarm off and not the phone and I never heard his alarm go off that morning anyway. This has never happened to him before that I know of that his phone just shut off. Then I was thinking that during the day I could hear this totally loud noise coming from someplace downstairs. I walked around and found that the one light beside the sink in the bathroom was just vibrating so much that the only way for me to stop the noise was to hold the bottom of the light to stop it vibrating. I ended up holding it for about a minute. The reason that this was so strange is that there are two lights beside this sink and they were put in 4 years ago. We never had either of these light vibrate before yesterday. OK – again weird. Then when I was working on the computer in the kitchen last night I heard a noise and noticed that the broom closet door opened. Not sure why this would happen, but  when you are lying in bed thinking about it at 1:00 am ,  it really doesn’t matter why or how it happened. Your imagination just gets the best of you and when I added then the alarm clock that went off for no reason – I didn’t get much sleep at all. Now I’m sure my Mom is right – it could just be the house settling, after all it is way older than 100 years old! But when you are trying to sleep and keep thinking about everything and anything – there is nothing that will help you out and you just know for sure that you are going to be very tired the next day and also just a little bit more weary about things that are making noises.

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3 Responses to Thinking instead of sleeping

  1. Judy says:

    I recorded Ghosthunters to watch when I got home from bowling, but after reading your blog, there was no way I was going to watch it! Saving it for a sunny afternoon!

  2. tammy k. says:

    i sure hope you get some sleep tonight! i hate when i get to thinking too much and can’t sleep. odd things like that have happened around here too and people probably think i’m crazy but i believe in some of the supernatural. one thing in particular was the first time my grandma came to my house after my grandpa had died and she was walking past this wall light and it flickered. i mean visibly went off and on. never did it before or since. i think grandpa was just stopping in to say hi to her.

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