East side of machine shed is done!

I did a bunch of errands in the morning and I was happy later this afternoon that I was able to get the east side of the machine shed done. I know that I probably should only post when I’m done with the whole shed, but I’m slowing losing steam with this whole painting gig, so I need to see every milestone as it happens. I was having the worst time in the world trying to figure out how to paint the ‘new’ wood that Daryl was putting up on the buildings. When I would paint it, all I would get would be small clumps of paint. I know that’s weird isn’t it? I think it was drying or something, but whatever the reason it just wasn’t working very well. So today I was in Walmart and picked up a cheap roller – what could it hurt right? Well it worked out FANTASTIC! If I had to complain, I would say that since I went with the least expensive, I was getting paint splatters on me. No big deal – my latest perfume is gas that I’ve been using to get the ‘big’ paint splatters off anyway. So some paint dots all over my arms was no big deal. I had to come back with a small craft sponge brush to fill in the cracks of the door, but it sure worked better than trying to paint it with a brush.

Machine shed - before picture

Daryl made new doors

East side - Done! (paint is still wet so it looks a little weird)

Daryl raked the hay when he got home from work and our neighbor was able to round bale it yet tonight. He tried to get the bales home before he left for music practice, but ran out of time. He’ll have to try to get that done tomorrow after work. He was glad to have a chance to get raked and baled tonight, otherwise he would have to take time off of his job in town to get it done.

Moving hay bales

William went back to school today. The farm was pretty quiet without him and I think it’s going to be sometime before I get used to not having him around again. It’s just hard to believe that he’s a Senior in High School. Yikes. I hope I’m ready for this change.

Daryl sprayed the weeds tonight by the cattle shed. I am not ready to paint it yet, but we’ve always had trouble with weeds growing up on the north side, so tonight Daryl sprayed them with weed killer to help knock them down before I start to paint this shed. Daryl really hates weeds, so it wasn’t hard to convince him to spray tonight.

Weed Killer Man Daryl

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