Painting continues

I worked on painting the machine shed today. I painted a couple of gallons of white and then switched to red today. I’m not sure if I need to do a double coat of white paint – but for now I ran out of white so it’ll have to do for awhile. I really wanted to get the east side of the machine shed done, but with the crazy wind today that wasn’t going to happen. I used the ladder quite a bit today and if I wasn’t on it – the wind would blow it over and it would fall on the ground. A couple of times when I was on it I could feel it move. You know how much I just LOVE wind so I painted as much as I could and called it a day!
Daryl kept working on the cattle shed once he got home from work. He’s on a roll with replacing wood and he’s doing a really good job so far. He had the crazy wind pick up when he was working on it and a piece of tin cut his arm. When I came home from the golf course tonight he had this homemade bandage on his arm and he had a big cut from the tin. I was glad that is wasn’t any deeper because then he would have needed stitches for sure.

Replacing wood on the cattle shed

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