Our farm guards

Now you probably are guessing that I’m going to say that the best farm guards are our dogs right? Even though they are good at keeping away the skunks and raccoons , I think our peacocks might be more intimidating to someone who comes on our farm. I haven’t really thought about it until today when I was walking through the yard to feed the cattle. We’ve had peacocks on the farm for so many years, I’m so used to them screaming all day. They scream either at the dogs, cars going by (they hate certain vehicles) , or maybe just because. So you can see they are a very loud pet to have around. But when I looked up this morning, even it took me by surprise. They were all sitting on top of the cattle shed just watching everything that was going on. Later this afternoon I was mowing lawn and they’ll follow me around and just stay out of reach. Sometimes I’m worried that I’m going to hit them with the mower until they move just at the last minute! The funniest thing is when I’m mowing the grove they’ll run in and out of the trees like they’re playing tag or something. I’m not sure what they are doing, but they sure are fun to have around.

Our farm guardians

Closeup of 4 of the 5 of our peacocks

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2 Responses to Our farm guards

  1. Sherry says:

    This is soo cool Bonnie! I didn’t know they could fly that high!

    • farm2011 says:

      You should see how high they can fly when the dogs are chasing them! Sometimes they can get pretty far up in our tall pine trees.

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