Wires down – check, rocks picked – check …..

School starts on Wednesday for William so he wanted to get everything done today. That way he wouldn’t have to do anything tomorrow. So he worked hard to get all the wires down in the farrowing house and was able to get it all cleaned up. Then we both went to pick up the rocks again on the old hog barn area. The rocks were just small ones that came up after the last time it was dug up so it wasn’t too bad to get this one checked off the list also. Then I wanted to get some white painting done, so off to the fence by the machine shed I went. The west side was easy and then I started to paint the east side. There was a pile of old wood along with a wooden feed bunk that needed to be moved. I was glad that William was able to help me, and after quite a bit of imagination we were able to get it moved up to the big fire pile. The wood on the bunk was so old and rotten that it kept falling apart when we moved it. So there wasn’t any excuses for me not to get this side of the fence painted until I met up with some wasps. William was checking to see how I was doing when a wasp flew by us. I told him to watch and I swatted it down with my paint scraper and stepped on it with my flip flops. Then another one flew out of the nest and I hit that one also and stepped on it with my flip flops to kill it. I gave a sneaky smile and then proceeded to tell him how I was so scared of them when I first started to paint but now I am so in control and not scared at all. I said some things like – ‘Who’s the boss now’ and … other pretty sassy things when all of a sudden about 7 or 8 more wasps flew out and was headed right for me.  Holy Crap!  I ran … and the dog ran.  OK, so maybe I’m not as tough as I was letting on.  I really wanted to get the fence painted today but I need to get rid of them if I was going to get it done. I couldn’t find any bug spray to kill them but I did find some old gas,  so I poured it on their nest. Now you never can imagine how mad a wasp would be until you pour gas on their nest. About 15 (or so) flew out and they were really, really mad! When any of them would some close to me, I would hit them with my paint brush. Now they were covered in paint and I couldn’t believe that they could get even more mad, but they did. I was able to get it painted but it sure took me a lot longer than it should have. I spent most of the time watching for wasps!

Part of the wasp nest that I came across today

Daryl and William started to work on the cattle shed. The one door fell off the track sometime now and they were able to get it fixed and back on it’s track. Daryl also started to work on replacing the wood on this shed. I am hoping to be able to start painting it next week. Anyway, that’s my goal.

Working on the cattle shed

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