Spam’s the word Man!

After church today I convinced Daryl to go with me to the Spam museum in Austin, Minnesota. I’m not sure why I always wanted to go to this museum but every time we would be going to Rochester or Minneapolis I would see signs that would talk about it. It was on my ‘bucket’ list and so today – we went. It was only about an hour and a half drive from our house so it wasn’t so bad. We got there around 12:30 and left after 2:00. There was tons to see and it was fun! Daryl beat me when we did this one test on how fast you can assemble spam on a factory line, but he told me that he cheated. (I also cheated but I just didn’t tell him)  I’m pretty sure Daryl didn’t have as much fun as I did,  but I bet tomorrow at work he tells everyone that he went to the Spam museum this weekend and then just smiles.

16,500 square feet of everything and anything Spam!

Inside the museum

Dressing the part and I must say 'Looking good'

I love this poster!

William decided that tubing and a camp fire was going to be more fun that hanging out with us. His loss.
After we got home, Daryl went to get out the haybine and cut the third crop of hay. Some of the hay looks good and some of it looks OK. The part that looks just OK is on a gravel hill and it always looks a little tougher than then the rest.
The little kitty is still alive and is very spoiled. About the only time that it is actually quiet is when it sleeps with William on the couch. Yea, like that’s going to happen when William starts school this week. Not sure what the next step with the cat is, but I’ll need to come up with a plan fast.

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