Painting, painting, and painting

I spent an hour in the garden this morning and decided that I am going to add another project to the master list. The new project will be called – ‘Saving the onions’. I went in the garden early this morning and I don’t know if it’s because I’m over 50 years old or if I just opened up all my sweat glands, but holy cow was I warm! The sweat was just dripping off me. Now whatever the change is, I sure would like it to change back please. Check out my hands in the photo below. I decided that I might need a manicure after the onions are saved!

Talk about Ugly Hands!

After William went to school to turn in some papers, he started to work on the wires again in the farrowing house. He found a better way to take them out, but it’s still going to be time consuming. He’s planning on working on it again tomorrow.
I painted today. I was getting pretty sick of it, but knew that there is a 40% chance of rain tomorrow so I had to keep going. I painted for 6 hours and was able to get 7 gallons of red up on the machine shed. I was able to get the north side done with red and if it doesn’t rain tomorrow I’m going to paint with white the trim on the north side and then start the white on the east side. It sure looks good so far. The only thing that I’m worrying about is that I’m going to run out of paint. I think I’m going to call the hardware store tomorrow and talk to them to see if they could order me some more. I hate to spend more money on it, but I would hate to run out of paint also!
Tonight when Daryl was working on finishing up the barn door, I saw Apollo with something black and having a really good time. I went up to see what he had and he was throwing a little black kitty up in the air and then catching it. Then when it hit the ground he would pick it up again and throw it in the air. Wayyyyyy not cool! For some reason they have killed all the baby kitties that we ever had and then they leave them on the grass after they’re dead. So I took the kitty in the house, warmed up some milk, and now he’s in a box in our kitchen. He is scared to death! If he lives through the night, I’m not sure what I’m going to do with him tomorrow.Even though he drank really well, I’m not going to get my hopes up.

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3 Responses to Painting, painting, and painting

  1. bruce mcgrath says:

    can you say hot flashes?

    • farm2011 says:

      I KNOW !!! But only in the garden? Maybe I need to stay away from weeding it for awhile 🙂

  2. tammy k. says:

    poor kitty! my dog, ivy, loves to catch birds and baby rabbits. it’s a shame we don’t hunt, because i think she would be a great hunting dog. the kitty might never be tame if mama was feral. had a neighbor decades ago who had many cats but we could never pick them up as kids because they were all wild, all the time. hope kitty makes it and becomes a good pet or mouser or barn cat – whatever you need it to be!

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