Stuff going on in the Kuehner Homestead

Even though I was secretly wishing that it would rain, the weather today was again beautiful! The reason that I was hoping that it would rain is because I was looking for excuses not to paint today or work in the garden. I know.. the schedule and everything, but I was hoping to spend time scrap booking instead. So I compromised. I had to go to New Hampton to do some errands and as long as I was all cleaned up, I decided to go to a scrap book store nearby. After I walked in, I decided immediately that I loved the store! I also realized that there is so much more for me to learn about how to do pages and cards! They offer classes every so many weeks and I’m hoping that I will be able to make a couple of them. So after I bummed around there for awhile and saw that it wasn’t going to rain, I thought I better get home and get some work done.
What I found sitting on the grass by the granary was another little black kitty. She was pretty cold but still alive so I brought her into the house with the other kitty. The one kitty that we found earlier is doing pretty good. He has been drinking milk and we’ve been trying to feed him every so many hours. (If we don’t, he just meows really really loud until you feed him) William took the late night feeding last night for the kitty when he came home after being with some friends. I’m hoping that tonight the kitty drinks really well so he’ll sleep through the night. Getting back to the newest find, I think the other kitty must have been outside for awhile because she didn’t make it. That was too bad. At least the dogs didn’t kill her from the start. William thinks that Apollo secretly thinks that he’s the kitties caretaker because he follows the cat around outside when we let him out for some fresh air. I personally think Apollo is just waiting to get another taste of the poor thing! (Notice the red paint on the side of Apollo’s nose. Looks like he got too close to the barn)

Newest addition to our farm

We also had the Plumbing and Heating people come today. If you remember we had the water pool up on top of the ground and we thought we had a broken pipe. Well it turned out that it was a leaky valve on an old tank that’s buried underground that isn’t used anymore. It was still hooked to the pump and all they had to do was to cut the pipe that joined it and seal it off. Yea! We didn’t have to have a backhoe come in and dig it all up. That was an easy fix for something that could have been really bad.
I worked on ‘Saving the Onions’ project for awhile and William spent the afternoon in the farrowing house. He found a better way to get the hardware off the ceiling so he was happy about that. He was able to get at least half of it taken down so far.

William still working inside the farrowing house

I painted the trim on the north side of the machine shed so I’m attaching those pictures. I’m sure that you’ll be able to see where I painted. We were trying to figure out the last time that this side was painted and it was at least 30 years ago or more. The one thing that I’m still nervous about is how much (or little) amount of paint that I have left. I think I’m 25 gallons short and I’m going to call the hardware tomorrow to see if I can order some more yet this year. Is sure hope that I can.

North side of the machine shed before picture

North side after painted

The funniest thing that I heard today was what Daryl told William when they were dragging the dirt on the old hog barn foundation. Daryl said “The faster you go – the better”. Now I’m sure that he was talking about how the dirt lays, but after you look at the picture you might second guess really what he was talking about. I thought to myself, Why go to an amusement park when you have some dragging to do?

What a ride!

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