Progress Continues

I spent the morning getting ready to go to Decorah to do some errands and get groceries. I think I’ve changed how I get groceries and for the better. If you would see me in the store you would see me with a high lighter marker, other store fliers,  and a zip lock bag of coupons. Now I’m sure you are thinking that I’m one of those crazy shoppers that you see on TV – but I’m really not. I have my cart organized and if I want them to match another store I have that stuff set aside. In my shopping excursions, I don’t save anything near what they do on the TV show . But since I’ve been watching what I buy, I’m telling you I really have learned how to save money on what I buy. I was able to pick up some things for our school today and I even make some $$ on it when I bought it. Yea for me and them!
I spent more time in Decorah that I was planning, so when I got home I thought that I’d hurry up and pick up the rocks from the foundation from the old hog barn and then start painting. Well no one told me that there was about a million and a half rocks there and it took forever. OK – only two bucket loads (and not even full) but it wasn’t on my ‘master schedule’ so it seemed like everything was off. The original schedule had me starting to paint red today – but now I’m going to start tomorrow. I’m hoping to make up some time tomorrow now that I know I’m behind schedule. Before I start painting, I will have to pick up more rocks because after the last load was unloaded, William started the tractor with the cultivator on it and dug up more rocks. I’m not so sure that I think that it was such a  good thing that Daryl found that old cultivator anymore.

Picking rocks.. and rocks...

William started to work on taking out the wires in the farrowing house. This is the next step before we can call in the electrician to put in new wiring. He was having a heck of a time. When he was trying to get the wires off the wood, the plastic holder would just bust. Now he has to go back and pull out all the holders and staples from the wood. It must have been bad because he even was helping me pick rock for awhile so he didn’t have to work on it.

Taking down the wires in the farrowing house

Since I didn’t paint, I spent some time in the garden. I have no idea what happened but WOW is it bad. If I just work on it for a small time everyday I’m hoping that it’ll get done. The bad thing is that both William and I don’t like to weed, so we have to make ourselves do it. I’m sure we’ll get it done, but it’s going to take us awhile. I could put a picture of the garden here on this post but I’m pretty sure that there is no way that I’m going to. Maybe when it gets cleaned up. We’ll see.

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