Getting ready for Winter

Doesn’t this title just make you cringe? Since it was a nice day out today, Daryl and William decided to switch the bucket from the White tractor to the Oliver tractor. The reason is because the Oliver tractor has a cab on it and the other one doesn’t. Daryl said that taking it off the one tractor isn’t so bad, but since it’s so heavy he really appreciated William’s help to put it back on the other tractor. Even though it seemed to be a lot of work, it makes sense to do it now and not wait until it’s cold outside. Our yard in the winter can get full of snow, so having the bucket ready to go is a necessity. Hopefully we won’t use it for a very, very long time!

Ready to push snow this winter

William finished his chicken feeder and it works well. The one side of his feeder has layer food and the other has ground corn. I thought at first that it was an overkill for some feed, but after I used it this morning I think it’s going to come in handy! I just hope that I can convince him to keep the containers full so I won’t have to. I guess we’ll see how well that goes over.

New feed storage for the chickens

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