
After a couple of days with some of my very good friends,  I decided that instead of writing about the cabin in this post I would write about my friends. For the past 30 years on and off (depending who had a baby that year) we have been going up to a cabin in Northern Wisconsin. When we go there it’s only us four, no husbands or kids. One of the girls family owns it and we’ve been very lucky that she shares it with us. Like I said we’ve been going up to the cabin for around 30 years and it so reminds me of the one show that I saw on TV – ‘If these walls could talk’. If it was featured on that show,  it would give a very interesting story of how 4 young girls who would have late night talks over these past years about boyfriends, then marriage, kids, and now the kids marriages have all come to be. It made me smile this past weekend when we were talking about some boyfriends of way back when and the subject came up about if they were a good kisser. I remember having the same conversation 30 years ago! But somethings did change. We go to bed earlier than we would have ever thought that we would , and the funny thing about that is that we are so OK with it. We also are much more responsible. Not always – but we’re trying. We still spend the afternoon laying on our rafts on the lake talking about the latest happenings and who’s with who now. And sometimes we just don’t talk at all and listen to the Loon’s as they calling. I thought quite a bit on the way home on our relationships with each other and how we were lucky to have 4 friends stay together through all the noise of everyday living. It hasn’t always been easy to take the time to get together. With the responsibilities of work and family, it was sometimes a very big struggle. But as I’m thinking about how much these 3 other girls mean to me, I’m sure glad that we all made the effort and will continue to take the time away from everything else just to spend a weekend with each other once a year. Even if the stories that we tell could be ones that we’ve heard maybe once (or twice before) they still are our stories and they are what makes up the bond of our friendship.

The Cabin

Just hanging out in the water

I Love this old wood stove! We use it for cooking at the cabin

The lakes Loons. The loons mate for life and there are usually only two Loons per lake.


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