Next project for William

William really enjoys creating things and I guess that’s probably why he wants to go into Engineering after high school. He didn’t like how the chicken feed sits on the floor in the coop so he bought some trash cans and some lumber. He wants to make small shed for the cans and then the feed will be stored in there. He’s getting real used to going to the lumber yard for his supplies and I think they are getting used to him also.

New shed for the feed

This time of the year you will see airplanes or helicopters spraying for a couple of different things in the fields. Daryl said that they are spraying now for fungus and by spraying it should improve their yields. When you look at the picture you can hardly see the airplane because it’s so low. But if you look right in the middle of the picture the airplane is yellow.  Sometimes it will scare your animals because they’ll buzz right over your farm. I heard on the news last night that one of the crop dusters crashed not too far from here.  The pilot wasn’t hurt too bad. Unbelievable that he didn’t die. Like I said they fly low but they also fly around kind of like a small bird. They go under the electric wires and turn by flying sideways in the air. It’s fun just to watch them.

Crop dusting

I’m getting ready for a trip with some of my girlfriends. We used to get so much grief from people (mostly guys) that we are taking the time to go up North and just hang out. We took this for a couple of years until we heard some of the same guys talking about how they get together in a cabin and spend a couple of days hunting or fishing. When they said they really didn’t catch anything but got in a couple of good card games – we knew that we needed to change what we were calling our girls trip up North! Now we call it a fishing trip and no one questions it. Too funny! The cabin is in the National Forest and is the only one on the lake so it’s complete privacy. The land belongs to one of the girl’s family. Her grandfather built the cabin and bought over 200 acres around the lake so no one can build there. After that, they made the rest of the forest a National Forest but had to let them keep the existing property. You are in the middle of nowhere. No electricity, no running water, and no husbands or kids. I think the cabin sleeps around 27 if you use all the beds and fold out couches. You might get your cell phone to work if you stand upstairs in the loft by the chimney – but that doesn’t always work. We spend the day on the lake or just hanging out. We use a wood stove that we fire up in the morning and since there’s no running water, we have biodegradable soap along and clean up in the lake. I know that it sounds kind of like the Walton’s, but we’ve been doing this for so many years (around 30) that it’s no big deal. I’ll post some pictures when I get back.


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