Finishing up some stuff

We’ve been talking quite a bit this summer about our front porch. The sealant was looking cloudy and we weren’t sure how to get it cleaned up. So we found a really powerful power washer to rent and William spent yesterday and today power washing. It worked well  and tonight Daryl resealed it. We’re all really pleased on how it turned out. Because we didn’t have to return the sprayer until after dinner today, William resprayed the gutter in the farrowing house to make sure that it’s clean. Now we really have to think about what we really want in the farrowing house (lights and outlets) when we call in the electricians.
I spent the morning mowing. I didn’t get it all done yesterday and even today,  and it is so thick I really should rake it. But there is so much to do and I couldn’t find the rake so I figured that it was a sign to just leave it alone. How’s that for an accuse? When Daryl came home he said that the mower deck was offset. I never looked at it. I just looked straight ahead and kept mowing. I guess next time I should really stop and see how the grass was looking. All I could see was tons of cut grass that should have been raked!

I spent the afternoon in the house doing laundry and catching up on somethings. Now that our bike ride it over, all our bike shorts, shirts, etc… can be stored again until next year.
I had the stove on later tonight for supper and since I was warm in the kitchen,  I decided to do some baking. I made some chocolate chip cookies and potato soup. I was getting really warm because I also made up 5 pounds of taco meat to freeze. The hamburger was on sale and since I was making some I thought I might as well make more and freeze it. So then I thought I might as well stir up some cookies. About this time I was getting hot by the stove and wanted to get done so I decided to make them really large. They are about the size of two cookies but I’m going to get done twice as fast. The reason that I made potato soup wasn’t’ because the weather was chilly, but was because I had some ham thawed in the refrigerator and the soup recipe is easy and fast. I’m done for the night for baking and cooking. Thank goodness, it’s too hot to do either one!

I’ll try to update some of the recipes this weekend.

Working on the front porch

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