Rock Stars

My friend and I have been golfing now for about 7 or 8 years together, and you can say that we might just not be the best golfers. The reason that I say this is because in all those years, we’ve only finished all 9 holes either once or twice. We’re still debating just how many times it actually was. So tonight we got through all 9 holes,  and even had time to spare! It’s amazing when you have a couple of  good hits, just how many more holes you can golf in a night. Of course when we would hit a good shot we had a lot of the old high fives going on between us, and even now and then if you were golfing close to us there were also some pretty good celebration dancing jigs to be seen. It was like we were on a golfing tour or something! OK, not really. But we were so close to getting a Par on one of the holes and not one of the holes did we have to cheat and say that our score was under ten. It actually was! Now granted, we are playing best ball. But still, it only took us about 1 & 1/2 hours to play the round. Ya… Rock Stars!20130813_190846_resized

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