Back at it

You know that things are back to normal when you have to set the alarm clock don’t you? Well, I guess we all have to go to work so that we can play right?  Today was busy. After work it was time to get started on the laundry. Now granted after you’re gone for awhile, it’s pretty easy. All you have to do is to scoop everything up and then just shove it into the washer and hit start. You can’t go wrong and you know that everything probably needs a little freshening up! So with the laundry going, Daryl came hone from work and soon he was back out the door to cut hay. I’m still trying to make better meals for supper, so I put a turkey roast in the oven and headed outside myself. Even though we’ve got a little rain over the course of the past few days, the flowers still needed some water. So as I was watering the flowers as you can see in the picture below, I had some help. 20130812_182458_resizedBoth the little kitty and dog think that this bird bath is a personal water bowl! After a run and a little housework, we ate supper,  watched a little TV,  and off to bed we all went.

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