These past 5 days at the cabin was once again a great time. The weather on the other hand didn’t cooperate as well. Now it didn’t rain, but it was really windy and not weather that you’d go out on the lake for the afternoon and just hang out in your swimsuit. So of course we ate a lot, and laughed a lot, we played cards, and played some other games. We also did a couple of road trips to some local hang outs that we haven’t been to before. Check out the white sweatshirt in the picture below. It’s a picture of us four when we were at the cabin about 20 years ago!
But you know what? Even if the weather wasn’t the warmest, we still had a lot of fun. When we started out, were a little worried packing the Pacifica. And I even put the car topper on top of it to give us more room! But with a lot of luck and having all the spaces in the car filled (yes even by everyone’s feet) off we went. Our friends dog even fit in the car in the middle of two of us. Because the weather was chilly, every night we ended up making a fire in the cabin to heat it up before we went to bed. If you remember, there’s no electricity or running water in the cabin.
In the mornings when I would brush my teeth, I would take a small glass of water and my toothbrush loaded with toothpaste and head outside. One of the first days that we were there, I noticed that this one flower seemed to look a little different. And I was glad that I didn’t get too close! So even though the weather wasn’t warm enough to lay out in the lake, it was still warm enough to jump in the lake to get cleaned up and a fire after that felt good! Now some people just can’t believe that this is how we take a bath. But since this is the only cabin on the lake, and we only use biodegradable soap, you’re hair and skin feel just fantastic after you get out.
And Sunday came too soon and it was time to head back home. We always clean the cabin before we leave for home at the end of the weekend so the next group of people coming up have a nice clean cabin when they open the door. And as we were cleaning, I noticed that some of the pictures fell down off this one cork board. As I was organizing and putting them back up, one of the pictures just caught my eye. It was a picture of our friends Grandfather who built the cabin that we stay at. The picture shows him in front of a smaller hunting cabin that he built before he built the one we stay at now.
Now granted the smaller cabin sure doesn’t look like it would have 8 double beds, 1 king bed, and four single beds in it like the one now, but I still really like the picture. I thought to myself as I was pinning it back up to where it belonged on the wall, if her Grandpa ever could have imagined how many lives he’s touched by building the bigger cabin. My friend pretty much grew up here in the summer months when she was a kid with her cousins, and my friends and I have been coming up right after high school graduation. You would catch us either laying on the lake on our air mattresses or sitting around the fireplace having in depth conversations about boys, then as the years went by… husbands, kids, and then probably work conversations. We’ve gone to each other’s weddings, kid’s weddings, and now some of those kids will be starting families soon. So thinking about the Grandpa, I don’t think he could have ever imagined when he built the cabin that a group of four girls for over 30 years can just spend a couple of days at the cabin that he built, doing pretty much nothing, and have the best time doing it!
And as the gate gets closed for another year, it’s not the weather that’ll be the memory, but the weekend that you got to have with your friends just hanging out. That will be the memory that I’ll keep.
It sure sounds like you had a lot of fun. I don’t think you were going to starve or die from thirst by the looks of your car! Also, the lake picture is beautiful!
We usually eat a LOT when we’re up there and the picture did turn out nice, Thanks!
I couldn’t have said it any better myself! I always look forward to those fun-filled 4 days at the lake. The picture of the Grandpa turned out awesome!
Until next year…..