Bike Ride and baling

It is beautiful outside. Maybe a little windy, but really really nice. Daryl is out raking the oats that he cut the other day. I found out that he cut it kind of green he says, and was planning on leaving the oats on it. Then he wants to have it round baled. Our neighbor has a round baler so he’s hoping that he’ll be able to find him today to get it put up while it’s still fit. As for me? Well I’m putzing around the house and farm this morning.DSC_0209a I watered my flowers and I’m so surprised how well they’re doing. DSCN7002I did buy some, but I also grew a lot of them from seed in the green house. I’m quite shocked to be honest.DSCN7001a And I’m cleaning and doing laundry. Nothing too exciting. This afternoon we’re planning on going for a bike ride. Our ‘big’ bike ride is 2 weeks away – AAHHH! Up to yesterday, we might have had 10 miles in. But we did go yesterday evening and it wasn’t as bad as we were thinking it was going to be. The bad part isn’t really the riding, it’s just getting your backside used to the bike again. But I’m sure it’ll as work out.

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