Driving around

Daryl hasn’t taken the Chevelle out this year, and it was about time that he did and we went for a ride. But if there’s anything that I learned is that you just don’t take the car out of the shed. You have to wash and in this case, wax the car. But I didn’t mind because he took it to town and worked on it all morning. DSCN6989aThen around noon, she was ready to go. We weren’t sure where we were going to go or really what we were going to do, but the 4th of July was such a nice day we stopped in our local gas station and picked up a map and headed East. We found ourselves driving on roads that we’ve never been on before and it was a lot of fun.

The train on one side of us and the cliffs on the other side. Really cool!

The train on one side of us and the cliffs on the other side. Really cool!

We ended up at Harpers Ferry, Iowa for a really late dinner. After that? Well, we took a much more traveled road home. There was a flea market in one of the towns and we debated on stopping, but I’m thinking that I better make a few more trips to Good Will to clean out our house before I bring more stuff home.

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