Everything was going pretty good with this little barn kitty and I kind of started to even like him more. He is really such a bother though and seriously spending lunch to come home just to bottle feed him really wouldn’t be my first choice on how to spend an hour. But the last 24 hours he got kind of sick. He was having such a nose thing going on and when he tried to meow he couldn’t. He had some kind of laryngitis and his mouth would open but no noise came out. Kind of pathetic. Well, it was time to make a decision. Should I let nature takes it course or take him to the vet? I was definitely at the crossroads of his little life. On one side I thought that he’s so puny and when he’s outside the dog just literally drags him around – it’s really just a matter of time. But then on the other side I could just see his little face when he was trying to drink his bottle and had no appetite and could hardly breath. After sitting at work for about 2 hours I caved in. I called the local vet’s office and made an appointment. So on my lunch hour I race home and bring Pepper to the vet. They said that he’s awful small for his age and I said that I knew that. When I asked if they ever seen a little kitty get some weird sinus stuff and they said all the time. So by the time I left the office, Pepper had got a shot, he also got sent home with other medicine that he needs twice a day, and then prescription food. Sounds like a lot for a little barn kitty doesn’t it? Well, now I’m committed. So he needed a bath. If that vet thought that he looked kind of scrawny when she saw him, she should have seen him wet! Yikes!
But now everything is going much better and I’m wondering what I’m going to do with him now. He can literally jump out of the tote that he’s been living in and he’s too small to just be let outside. The only thing that he’s got going for him is that he’s pretty darn cute. At the supper table both Daryl and William just couldn’t believe that I took him to the vet and after what I KNOW was a really mean look that I gave both of them, the subject was dropped. I guess I must really have that mean look down.
William also picked the first batch of strawberries tonight. I’m a little concerned because normally Lucky has them all cleaned out, and I’m thinking that I better go and make sure that the peacock is OK. But once the strawberries were washed and sliced, they got mixed in with some vanilla ice cream, topped with whipped topping, and chocolate shaved on it. Life doesn’t get any better than this.
Now I just wish I could get in the rest of the garden with all the rain we’ve been having, but it’s next to impossible.
Daryl had picked eggs yesterday and did you ever look at something and laugh and think that it’s really kind of funny? Well that’s what Daryl and I did when we looked at how many eggs we didn’t pick these last couple of days.
I don’t know why we just didn’t go out and pick them, but when Daryl actually took a 5 gallon pail and did do it, Wow! He said it looked like one of those cartoons where the eggs just keep going and going towards the sky. Too funny! So we laughed about how many there was and was wondering what we were going to to with them. But we laughed way too soon. Last night when we were in the house, all of a sudden I heard Reno our dog give a little yelp out and I went to investigate. Yea, it didn’t take too long and even though all the windows were shut in the house I knew that he found.. or maybe the skunk found him. When I opened the door for just a second, I could see Reno walking around with her mouth open and trying to cough. It was a really good sign that she grabbed the skunk from behind and when it got set down – it sprayed her in her mouth. This is a really bad thing for a dog and I think they only do it once. One dog that we had was walking around the yard holding a skunk in his mouth by the tail and then he let the back legs touch the ground and WHAM! Into the mouth the skunk sprayed. Now that time the dog literally had foam coming out of his mouth and he looked at us like it was our fault. It might have been just a little bit our fault that time because we did tell him to put the skunk down 🙂 OK, back to our dog. So what it looked like was a skunk was nearby and saw the pail of eggs and must have thought Jackpot! I don’t know if it grabbed the eggs with it’s mouth or what, but there was one cracked egg on the ground by the sidewalk eaten and another egg close by. So tonight Daryl took the whole pail of eggs and said that he was going to get rid of them. I never found out just what he did with them, but he put them in the car and drove off. And to be honest, some things are better left unknown right? Now we just have to get rid of the skunk smell by the house before the Kuehner reunion at the farm this weekend. So finally when things were what we thought settling down for the night and we were trying to watch a little TV before we all went to bed, it started to lightning. And not just a little bit here and a little bit there – I mean it was wicked! The electricity blinked on and off and then the satellite went off for our TV. So the only thing left to do was to watch the storm come in. You couldn’t really see any of the clouds until it lightning because by now it was around 10:00 pm and pretty dark outside. But when the sky was lit up you could really see the storm coming through. I thought to myself that it’s a good thing that most of the storms happen at night because those clouds really looked bad. But finally around 11:00 it did die down and as I was walking upstairs to go to bed I thought to myself, that it’s just another night on the farm. From barn kitties, strawberries, eggs, skunks, and storms – you just never know what’s going to happen.