Lawler Irish Fest – Sunday

We had to get to church early to help with the breakfast that we were helping with. The breakfast was a waffle breakfast and even though they said that they had done one a long time ago in our church, I didn’t remember it. Maybe it was ‘before my time’. Like everything, there is always a set amount of people that you need to serve before you can break even. The number that we were shooting for was 300 and within the first hour, we knew that we served over that amount. Yea for us! Our shift was only for 2 hours and after we ate, we went home for a nap. There were some activities that went on during the day like a bean bag tournament and some ball games, but we decided that we really needed to get some stuff done around the farm. Daryl worked on cutting a patch of hay that he left the other day, and I ended up picking my Mom up and headed to town to get some groceries. Oh yea, I also dropped off some of the extra kohlrabies at my brother’s place. I’m thinking that he might be surprised on how many I had extra. I’m not sure just how many there was, but I’m guessing maybe 75? I’ve added two photos from yesterday from the Irish Fest. The first one is a picture of what used to be the Hardware store that was changed into a Photo Gallery for the festival. It worked out really well, and I think this building is just so beautiful!

Inside the Hardware Store

Inside the Hardware Store

The second picture is one of our town’s water fountain. They had it repaired for the festival and it seemed like during the day that it was always busy. I had to wait my turn just to snap a picture of it. Even though there were a lot of kids getting a drink, there was also a lot of kids washing their feet after digging in the sand. But the reason that this fountain is so unique is that it has a people fountain on one side and then on the other side it’s for horses. Some of the people that we talked to this weekend said that they remember riding their horses into town and stopping to let them get a drink of water. Daryl tells the story of one of his friends riding Tiny his horse into town for ball practice and he always stopped to let Tiny get a drink before heading home.

Horse / People water fountain

Horse / People water fountain

Now that the big weekend is over for our town and going forward it’s just going to be a conversation, I can’t help think what a great conversation it’ll be.

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