Mowing Lawn

Well it’s that time of the year and tonight we cranked up the lawn mowers and started to tackle the lawn. Finally the snow had melted and now the grass is getting really long. We had stored the rider in the Roadhouse and it seemed to be a good decision. It started right up and it didn’t take long until Daryl was out in the yard mowing. When we were outside earlier this week we had to literally stop and check something out. We were looking at the lawn and just seeing what shape it’s in, when we came across the dog kennel. We looked at the grass inside the kennel and then the grass on the outside. Now I know that the chickens are always busy in the yard, but honestly I just thought they were eating bugs and rocks. But after looking at the grass inside the kennel where the chickens can’t get to, it’s obvious that the chickens are also eating the lawn grass.

It looks a little goofy doesn't it

It looks a little goofy doesn’t it

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