Shopping and First bike ride of the season

I made a quick trip to town today to see if I could find some casual dresses for our NY trip. I thought that I’d bring along dresses instead of shorts because they take less room in my backpack and no matter where we end up, it’ll work for the dress code. So I had really good luck. Now granted I counted that I tried on 29 different dresses in the course of the day, but by the time I got the last one on, I had about 7 to pick from that I kind of liked. I ended up buying 4, but one of them is still a little ‘iffy’. I also ended up ordering a couple of pairs of sandals. I have a friend who just swears that this one brand is the best – I guess we’ll see. They should be something that I can wear with about anything and also they’re supposed to be made with cork and are lighter than other shoes. Again – thinking about my backpack.

Then later in the afternoon, Daryl and I took the bikes out for a short ride. We really wanted to see if riding a bike was going to hurt Daryl’s arms and shoulders. He had the drag off of the field cultivator fall on him, and when he grabbed it he really pulled some muscles in his shoulders. And he’s been hurting since. But if he didn’t grab the drag, he could have got his face really cut open and that would have been worse! So we went for a small ride and it worked out pretty well. He said it didn’t bother him too much. While we were out on our bikes, we went to see the bridge that the county is putting in new. I took a couple of quick pictures. It’s funny when you look at the pictures because it doesn’t show how deep the hole really is that they are working on. They’ve rerouted the water and they’ve already started to pour some cement. Check out the pictures.20130505_190258_resized20130505_190324_resized

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