New York

I am so excited that we’re going to New York to see Kyle graduate from college. He’s been going to the state college SUNY,  and has been working on his Master’s degree. When he graduated from college with his Bachelors degree, he graduated early and was in China when they had that commencement, and wasn’t able to walk with the class.  So I’m going to be thrilled to see him in his cap and gown.  We’ve been working out the details of our travels, and we almost have everything ready. The only part that I just don’t like is that William won’t be able to go with us. He’s starting his summer job that week with the DOT and isn’t going to be able to get off. Yea, not liking that at all! But he’s living here for the summer,and he’ll be able to watch the farm and animals while we’re gone.

I was thinking of a conversation about our trip to New York that I had with one of my sisters. It turns out that she is going to be traveling to New York about a month after we’ll be there. When we were talking about our trips, she said that she wanted hers to be easy and didn’t want to have to set up or worry about anything for their trip. Well, I told her that it was really a good thing then she wasn’t going with us! Ours is something that will take some organization, timing, and maybe pure luck to get everything done that we want to get done. To give you an idea on how crazy our travel plans will be, here are the details. We fly into Syracuse and Kyle makes the 2 + hour trip to pick us up at the airport, he is going to take us to the only hotel in the area by Potsdam, New York that we could get for that night, and this hotel is beside the Saint Lawrence River about 25 miles north of where his college is. We’re just on the other side of Canada. The next morning Kyle drives back to pick us up and then we go to the college for the Commencement ceremonies. Later that night, we pack up his stuff to move out of the dorms and head back to Syracuse to our next hotel. This hotel has a park and fly, so we’ll keep Kyle’s car there, and put our suitcases also in it. We’re planning on backpacking in New York and will only bring with us what we really need. We need to do this because of time issues of checking in and out of our hotels. OK, so now we’re on a bus for I think 5 or 6 hours (not sure actually how long) and heading east to New York City. Once we get off the bus, we go to the Broadway show that we have tickets for. After that, we’ll get to our next hotel and check in. Whew! The next couple of days are also going to be a blur, and once we are ready to go back home, we need to go back to the bus terminal and get to Syracuse to the hotel. So if you are counting the amount of times we’re checking into hotels, you should be up to 4 times by now. In the morning, Daryl will be taking the shuttle to the airport and then Kyle and I are heading south in his car to Iowa. He plans on driving his car home, because for his summer job and also his fall teaching, he doesn’t want to pay to have his car out in New York. It’s really expensive to park your car off campus and he won’t need it anyway. So in about a month, he’ll fly back to New York.

So like I said, it’ll be a very busy trip – but it’ll be tons of fun! We decided that we’ll probably only go to New York once, and we can always sleep once we get back home, right?

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