The Tile Lines are running!

The tile lines are running! Now I”m thinking your sitting there reading this and probably wondering just what in the world are tile lines? And why is it such a big deal?  Well if you’re hanging around farmers,  it’s usually one of the most common conversations in the Spring. What the farmers do is to have someone come and dig a trench in their fields and run some tubes that soak up the water and it takes it out of the fields, and with the slope of the land – it moves it away literally down the road. Now the tile line can hook up to a neighbors line in their fields and continue it’s way until it gets to a creek or river, or sometime it dumps into a ditch and keeps going until it finds a different path to take. You put these lines in so you can keep your fields dry and control the moisture so much better. So in the early months of the year, everyone is anxious to have the tile lines run because that means that the frost is out of the ground and with some warm weather and sunshine, the fields will dry up and crops can be put in. We’ve been watching this one tile line by us these past few weeks, and just the last couple of days it really opened up and it’s draining the fields pretty good. And with the inch and a half of rain that we’ve got these past couple of days, it should run for quite some time. So now if you are some place where there are farmers, you need to throw in a conversation where they can hear you that you think the farmers will be in the field soon. And when they give you one of ‘the looks’  just say back with confidence, ‘Well you know the tile lines have been running pretty good lately, so it won’t be long now’ They’ll probably just nod their head and say, Yea,  and wonder if you’re working some land nearby that they didn’t know about.

This tile line is running pretty good today

This tile line is running pretty good today

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