Getting ready for the garden

I had gotten some advise last night about my garden. The problem was that I’m thinking that I’m going to have waayyyy too many cherry tomatoes this year again and I was trying to give some of the plants away to a couple of my friends. But they were the furthest from saying that they’d take any. Then they said that why didn’t I just bite the bullet and throw some of them out. OK, I was going to put my big girl pants on and do just that today. I watched a hoarding show on TV this morning and I’m kind of thinking that this might be what I do with these new little plants. So I started to replant the small seedlings outside in the greenhouse and I actually did throw some of the cherry tomatoes out! I’m so proud of myself and I’m thinking that my friend would also be proud! Well… maybe not over the top proud. Because I did keep 36 of these cherry tomato plants. Yea,  just taking baby steps.

Inside the greenhouse

Inside the greenhouse

Other plants that I transplanted were the kohlrabi ‘s. Man, those seeds also grew really well. We don’t really like them that much and I’m thinking that the 150 plants that I kept might be just a little bit of an overkill. BUT to my defense – I also threw out some of those plants. Now I’m sure that not all of these plants will live, and I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. But if you live around my area, don’t be too surprised if you get a bag of cherry tomatoes and some other veggies from my garden sitting by your doorstep.

Since I was outside and in the gardening mood, I needed to do something with the Christmas tree that I threw in the garden. It was still green and smelled wonderful – but I wanted to get it burnt and out of the way. Daryl asked if I thought it would even burn and I really wasn’t sure.  So I grabbed some newspaper and put it under the bottom of it and MAN she lit up!

Our Christmas tree

Our Christmas tree

I was glad that I moved it to a different area in the garden because it really got pretty hot. That wouldn’t be too cool if I melted the William’s greenhouse and I think he would notice.  When I moved the tree I saw that there was still snow and ice under it. I’m hoping that the sun will come out in the next few days and warm the dirt up. I need to get the onions in the ground soon.

Go away winter!!

Go away winter!!

When I was messing with the plants, Daryl loaded up some stalk bales for a friend of ours that needed them. We weren’t planning on using them for our cattle, and it worked out great that he wanted them. I have to admit I was a little nervous about them staying on the wagon – but we didn’t get any calls to come rescue him with the tractor and bucket so he must have made it home.

Daryl loading up some stalk bales

Daryl loading up some stalk bales

I hope they are strapping them on good!

I hope they are strapping them on good!

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2 Responses to Getting ready for the garden

  1. Sherry Elwood says:

    Well Bonnie, I love your (extra) cherry tomatoes;) Plant away!!!

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