Picking kohlrabi & working on the old hog barn

We decided to pick all our kohlrabi today and boy did they grow really large this year! We’re not sure why and looking at their size you would think that they would be woody inside – but the ones that we’ve eaten have all been really good! I think I’ll dig up that part of the garden and replant peas for later this fall. We talked to Kyle tonight and they are studying gardens in his classroom so he wants a picture of ours to show the kids. I think I better weed ours again! I’m attaching a picture that Kyle sent of his kids at his school. He teaches preschool and we love to hear his stories about his classroom. The school that he teaches at pays for his room and board and are in the process of moving him to another apartment. But the trouble is that no one has cars or anyway to move things in the part of Korea that he lives, so usually you just leave everything in your apartment when you move because it’s too hard to take it with you. But he doesn’t want to do that so he’s trying to figure out how he’s going to carry everything a couple of blocks to his new place. There is also another teacher that needs to move so he thinks they will help each other and spend a day carrying their stuff (TV, couch, table, chairs….) to their new place. Sounds like a HUGE job!

Kyle's classroom

Kohlrabi in the garden

Huge crop this year!

We also rented a power sprayer this morning to work on our front porch. But it wasn’t working as we had hoped, so William returned it back to town. We’re going to wait and get a more powerful one and hope that it’ll work. But when we were trying to decide what to do next – our contractor came to start working on removing the cement from the old hog barn. There are so many rocks under the foundation I couldn’t imagine how they got them all brought to the farm in the 1950’s. Daryl said that they were probably brought in with a stone boat. I looked up what a stone boat was on Google Search because to be honest – how many people use this term in their ‘normal’ vocabulary these days? Anyway I found the definition as this : a flat sledge or drag for transporting heavy articles. It looks like a sled and it said that you usually hook it up to your horses, but Daryl thought they might have also put it on their tractor. Whatever the case – they sure worked hard to bring in a whole lot of rocks, both under the foundation and supporting the foundation on the sides. The contractor isn’t done yet, but they are really close. By tomorrow morning it should all be cleared up.

Starting today on the old hog barn

View from the road

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