Time management

I found out today that I don’t have a good idea on how long it takes to do your job if you are a contractor. I thought – OK since all the cement is all broke up on the old hog barn, it should only take maybe 1 or 2 hours to clean it up. I guess I didn’t factor in the driving time that the dump trucks need to remove the old cement and filling the trucks… etc… but it did get done today and now we have one level area that once was a cement platform for the old hog barn and it really looks nice!

The work continues to clean up the cement


I also decided today that it must be confusing on the multiple projects that we are working on. So I wrote them down, so not only anyone who is reading this can keep track, but also to keep us on track!

  • Farrowing house – Daryl is power washing the ceiling and floor. The next step is to call the electrician to check the lighting.
  • Wagon – William needs to add wood to the floor and then take all the scrap metal back to the junk dealer. This wagon will be useful with the small metal stuff.
  • Barn – I need to get the west side of the barn ready to get painted. It needs to be scraped and Daryl will have to look at the one door, it might need to be redone.
  • We also have some small projects going on. The front porch needs to have the sealant stripped and resealed along with the front door painted.
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