Fabric Softener Sheets

Isn’t that funny how a smell can bring back memories?

I was doing laundry the other day,  and I found out that I didn’t have any liquid laundry softener. Now there could be two reasons why I didn’t have any. Reason number one: I was too lazy to stop at the store to pick up the softener. Reason number two: I was too cheap to buy it without it being on sale or having a coupon. Or you know maybe it was really a combination of both now that I think of it. Anyway, I was out of softener and I wanted to get some stuff washed. Some things I think you can get buy without the softener. Like shirts, pants, and shorts. But towels and blankets – no way. I went to look in my ‘stash’ in the basement and guess what? No luck. I was out.  But then I remembered that I had some things that we bring along on our bike rides if we do laundry, and SCORE! I found some fabric sheets that was going to work perfect. So after the clothes were dried with the fabric sheet, I pulled it out of the dryer and it instantly reminded me of 30 years ago. I know – weird! I have a hard time remembering things that happened yesterday, much less 30 years ago! What it reminded me of was when Daryl and I were first married. We had little or no money. I’m thinking we were pretty much like every young married couple, and you just got buy for the first years. So for a good part of the first year that we were married, we didn’t have a washer and dryer. I don’t think it would have been that big of a deal, except with farm clothes it was a lot of work. Every week I’d spend my time after work and supper at the laundry-mat just hanging out and waiting for the jeans to dry. They were the worst. But on the way home the fabric sheet smell from the clothes filled the car and it pretty much stayed in it for the next couple of days. Now this was a welcome smell, because on the way to the laundry-mat I only had dirty clothes in the car. Finally after figuring out how much we were spending on the coin operated machines, it was much cheaper to buy a washer and dryer at Sears and make monthly payments on it for the next couple of months. But you know what? I’m kind of glad that we had to go through that when we were first married. Because 30 years later, I’m still thankful for being able to have a washer and dryer at our house and I still like the smell of those fabric softener sheets.

I LOVE my washer and dryer!

Our washer and dryer!

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