Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! 

The Easter baskets that they boy's use. Even though they weren't here on Easter, they still had got some candy!

The boy’s Easter baskets.  Even though they weren’t here on Easter, they still had got some candy!

We had a chance to talk to Kyle yesterday when we were taking William back to college and wished him a happy Easter. Kyle ended up calling when we were driving, so I put the call on speaker phone and we had a really nice talk. We’ll plan on skyping with him on Wednesday so we can have a chance to see him.

The reason that William went back yesterday, was because his vocal instructor had asked him if he’d join a choir in one of the churches in Ames, and with Easter today – the choir was planning on singing for the early service. And Kyle is in New York, so he couldn’t be home either today.  But we did have our Easter celebration with William yesterday for dinner. I grilled steaks and topped them with buttered onions, we also had thin sliced baked potatoes in the oven, buttered broccoli, leftover mushrooms from supper at Red Lobster, and warm no bake cookies for dessert. So that was nice to have a meal with William, even though it was just a little bit earlier.

So today it was just Daryl and I spending the day together. My sister always has an Easter dinner and everyone is invited, but we decided to go out for dinner at a local restaurant after church. I must say it was kind of weird though. Looking around with everyone there with their families, I knew today that we are really empty nesters.

After we got home, Daryl took a nap and I started to look for a swimming suit on line. Let’s just say that it wasn’t a pleasant experience for me. I would like to have had a chance to get to town to see if I could find one, but instead I decided to check out the web instead. I really thought I could do it much faster than going to town. After the amount of time that I spent on the computer today, I could have driven to the mall and back in the same amount of time. But, after a couple of hours I did find one that I think that I’ll like and I bought it. I’m not sure how it’s going to work and it was way too much work not to at least give it a try.  But the Easter Bunny brought ‘extra’s and with some bags of jelly beans and Peeps in the cupboard, I better get that suit soon!



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