William’s car

William was able to catch a ride last night with another kid at college, and he was hoping to get drive his car back to school.

Ever since his horn went off during the night that one time at college, it seems to have given us some trouble. So we’ve had the car this whole week trying to make it not start. I know that it doesn’t make sense for us to try not to make it start – but the mechanic said he needed to know what the display says before he knew how he was going to fix it.

OK, doesn’t sound too hard does it? Yea… Well everyday for a week we tried to start his car in the morning, when I got home from work, when Daryl got home from work, and when we locked the chickens up for the night. And guessed what? It always started. So after doing this for a week, we thought that if William drove it around this weekend, that maybe it wouldn’t start for him. And that’s exactly what happened. He took it out Friday night and when he was going to come home – you guessed it, it wouldn’t start. Now the good thing about this was that he was just downtown in our town and some other of his friends had already planned on staying overnight at our house, so they all came together.

Still thinking that maybe we could get it fixed so William could take it back to college, Daryl took it to a repair shop that was open on Saturday. They found out that the starter switch was going bad and they said that they had the parts and could fix it right away. SCORE! But after they tried to put it together, they said that the new part that they were putting in the car was too new and now the older piece for the switch didn’t work. They had to order a new one and it wouldn’t be fixed for a couple of days until the part came in.

So I think William was bummed and we hurried up to get his laundry done so we could drive him back to college. His plan is to see if he could get a ride soon back to the farm to get his car. He doesn’t really need it a lot at college – but I think it’s one of those things that if you don’t have one, that’s about the time that you need one.

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