Roamin’ Catholics

Well, it was inevitable. Good Friday was here and soon Lent would be over. But we were able to celebrate it again with our traveling company – The Roamin’ Catholics. (get it? Roaming or Roman Catholics) Pretty good huh?

Now you’ve probably heard me say before that going out to Red Lobster for supper has been something that we’ve done for the past few years, and this year we were able to do it again. but there are rules. Well really there are only two rules. The first rule is that you can only eat at Red Lobster once a year on Good Friday, and the second rule is that you can order absolutely anything on the menu. Maybe you’re not like our family, but you kind of check out the menu and make decisions on prices. But, not on Good Friday! Even William caught a ride to the restaurant from someone at his college that was coming home for Easter. It was really nice that he could join us, and hopefully next year we can have Kyle join us also.

But before Daryl and I got to the restaurant, we really needed to wash the car. It was filthy and needed a bath really bad. We never used the car wash that we went into before, and when Daryl was putting the money into the machine, I was surprised on the instructions on who can and can’t use the car wash. Now honestly, have you ever seen a snow plow in a car wash before? I guess maybe someone has, and now they want to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.

Check out who isn't allowed in the car wash

Check out who isn’t allowed in the car wash

So now, we are all getting ready to order. We followed the rules well, and it didn’t take long until we had the table full of appetizers, salads, shrimp, lobster, … well, I’m sure you got the  idea. When we got done, all of our bellies were full and it was a really good time.

Having a good time with our fellow Roamin' Catholics

Having a good time with our fellow Roamin’ Catholics

William ended up taking our car home, and we went with my brother and sister in law. We spent some time visiting a couple of pubs uptown that had bands.

Even though Lent is ‘officially’ over, I’m thinking that the Roamin’ Catholics should still go out and find some new places to eat. It was sure fine trying to figure out where we were going to eat for the week,  and who we might run into that night.

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