Rooster Talons

I was outside just hanging with the chickens after work tonight and the first thing that I noticed is that I only saw one rooster in the whole bunch of our chickens. I think I better take a closer look tomorrow if that’s true or not. Then the second thing that I noticed is that this rooster has really long talons.

Rocky the rooster with his long talons

Rocky the rooster with his long talons

When I first moved to the farm and had chickens, my mother-in-law was talking about how big the talons were on the rooster that we had at the time and we should take it off. OK, first of all I had to look up just what she was talking about, and then I thought that they were OK how they were. So after seeing them tonight on Rocky the Rooster, I thought about my mother-in-law and her comment that rooster talons should come off. So I looked up how you can take them off when I got inside tonight and I about died when I read how to do it. I’ve added the one that I saw on the web that was about the craziest method ever:  ‘You use hot baked potatoes. This is done by grabbing 2 medium sized potatoes and cooking them as if you were going to eat them yourself. Using gloves, insert the rooster’s spur into the center of the potato and keep it in there for a couple of minutes while being careful not to touch the rooster’s leg as burning will result. You can also wrap the birds leg with cloth first leaving only the spur sticking out. Remove the potato and gently twist the spur with a pliers. There will be a small amount of blood but do not be alarmed as this is natural.’

OK, first of all, WHAT ? they must never have tried to catch a rooster before – much less Rocky the Rooster. Then second of all, can you vision a rooster just hanging out with baked potatoes on his legs. I’ve put potatoes with chicken before, but usually in a roasting pan. So I think for now his talons are going to say on.

Since I was out by the chicken coop, I saw tonight Lucky the white peacock was trying to impress the chickens. He was standing in front of the window and showing off to the chickens inside the coop. I think he saw the other peacocks doing this last week and gave it a try tonight. The only thing that he didn’t know is that there was no one was inside the coop. 🙂

Another peacock looking for a girlfriend

Lucky looking for a girlfriend

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