Chicken Gizzards

I was in a weird situation last night. I was out for supper with someone from the cities and she was looking over the menu at the restaurant that we were at. Then all of a sudden she stopped looking at the menu and looked at me and said ‘what’s a gizzard’? OK, this wasn’t your usual conversation  so I asked why she wanted to know. She then pointed to the appetizer section of the menu and said that they had chicken gizzards on the menu and she thought she might try them. But she said that she first wanted to know just exactly what they were. So I started my explanation with that it’s kind of a stomach that chickens have to help break up their food. And like in our chickens that get to go outside during the day, they eat small rocks and these rocks also are in the gizzard to help digest their food. She looked at me like I was from Mars, and then I said the only thing that I could say, “Well, I could be wrong and maybe it’s just some part of the chicken or something like that”. Yea, I knew I was right, but this girl was looking just a little bit too scared to know the whole truth. So she asked if I ever ate one, and I said that they are pretty chewy but not so bad. That was just about the time that the waitress comes over and asked what we wanted to order. Well this girl said, you guessed it – Chicken gizzards. So we waited for the order of gizzards,and it came the same time as her order of boneless buffalo wings. She looked at the plate of gizzards and they really looked like lumps that were deep fried and she said she was anxious to try them. Well, that excitement was short lived. She grabbed the first one with her fingers and tried to get a bite out of it. But the gizzard was so chewy and tough, that she couldn’t really get a bite of it and into her mouth the whole gizzard went. It took quite awhile for her to get it chewed up enough to swallow, and since this was the first time that she met me, I’m thinking that she didn’t want to spit it back out. So what seemed like an eternity of not making eye contact while she was chewing this gizzard, she finally got it swallowed.  With a plate of buffalo wings beside this plate, I’m thinking that she was really happy that she ordered another platter of something else. She only did eat the one gizzard and said that she didn’t think she would be taking any home with her that night in a to go box.

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