Family and Friends

We sure had a great weekend. On Friday, off we went with my brother and his wife for our weekly fish fry adventure. This week we went to a local restaurant and had their fish special. The restaurant is supposed to be haunted, and when you eat there the lights at the tables supposedly flicker. And then the story goes that if you move from that table, either the lights stop flickering or they follow you to another table. But nothing like that happened to us. We ate at the Speakeasy Inn at Spillville, and not only was the food good but also so was the atmosphere.

Then on Saturday we headed north to go to a birthday party. Now you can argue the fact that this is a long way to go to a party, but our friends have been trying us to get up to Minneapolis to visit them for a long time now and this was a perfect time. We have such a good time while we were there. The party was in an Irish Pub that was attached to the hotel that everyone was staying at, so it couldn’t get any better than that. I’m so glad that we made the effort and they were sure happy that we did to.

We got a call from William on Saturday night when we were in Minneapolis to say that he was having trouble with the starter in his car. So we woke up early so we could get home. We knew that Daryl was going to check out the car before William went back to college. We also had scheduled to talk with Kyle on skype while William was home so we knew we couldn’t lay in bed too long and needed to get on the road. We planned on all talking at noon and we got home just in time and it was really nice to have both boys and Daryl and I all together to get together to talk. Kyle is on spring break this week and is planning on going to New York City to possibly check out a Broadway show and to do some tourist stuff. So now that William was just finishing up with his spring break, we decided to take him back to school and keep his car to have it looked at. But I have to say it was nice to be able to spend more time with William before he started school again. It seems that when he was home he was so busy doing other stuff, so I enjoyed the trip back to Ames even if it was just riding in the car. But at the end of Sunday night – Daryl and I were really tired.


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