Getting ready for Spring

I know that Spring is coming, it has to right? Even though looking outside it sure doesn’t seem like it. So I decided to get ready for it anyway.

I had to buy more potting soil, and then I set up a temporary spot in the house for some seeds. I planted some lettuce, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes (probably too many again!), some flowers, onions, and some kohlrabi. My plan is once they start to sprout, to transplant them in their own pots in the greenhouse. I tried to start some lavender awhile back, but didn’t have too much luck with that. The room kind of smells like dirt, but I guess that’s not the worst thing – and it’s only temporary.

Grow baby, Grow!

Grow baby, Grow!

OK, So the next thing to do today was to do make William some food. For some reason the Mom thing kicks in where you worry that your kids don’t have enough home baked stuff. So I made a couple of small loaves of banana bread, huge batch of monster cookies, rice krispie bars, and there’s a couple pounds of beef jerky in the dehydrator. If he still gets hungry, there is a bowl of bean salsa in the refrigerator. I’m thinking that he’ll have enough snacks to eat, at least for a couple of days right?

The kitchen smelled really good this morning

The kitchen smelled really good this morning

I laughed when I was watching our peacocks this morning. They’re also getting ready for Spring. We only have one peahen, and all the males are fighting over her. They take turns fanning in front of her, and by how she’s acting – I’m guessing she’s not interested.

I don't think the hen is interested

I don’t think the hen is interested

So the peacocks are starting to fan in front of the chickens and boy do they look dumb!

I don't think the peacocks will have much luck, do you?

I don’t think the peacocks will have much luck, do you?

They are trying everything to get anyone to look at them. They stand in front of the brooder house window and strut around. Maybe I should get a couple more hens this spring?DSC_0065 But at least it wasn’t like the one year that the one peacock, Lucky kept fanning in front of a statue of St. Francis in front of our house. It wasn’t just embarrassing for Lucky, but also for us.  I’m not sure what was going on there, but it wasn’t pretty.

Yea, I think I’m going to start looking for a couple more hens for them.

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