Musical – Little Shop of Horrors

Daryl and I headed to our high school to watch the musical tonight that they are putting on the next couple of days. The musical this year is, The Little Shop of Horrors. Now Daryl and I are no strangers to the music program at our school. Both our boys were very active in the vocal and instrumental programs, and they continue to be active even now in college. So going tonight was a little bittersweet. When your kids are Seniors, everyone tells you.. ‘Oh this is your last___’  (It’s like you don’t know that or something) But then the following year you realize it’s the first year going to ____  at the high school without your kids involved. You know that you won’t be seeing them on that stage again, but to be honest it takes a little bit to realize this. With both boys, I think that the year after graduation is so much harder than their Senior year because of this.

OK, enough of that. So tonight when we were watching the show,  it was so much fun to see the kids performing. You know that you literally watched them growing up throughout the years. You also know just exactly how much the kids sacrificed being in the show.The long hours at school – before and after, the weekends making the set, studying their lines, and many other things that help make both the musicals and plays such a success. It was also fun to see how proud the parents are, and that they were probably nervous. We’ve been there before, just sitting in the audience holding our breath and probably wringing our hands,. Just hoping that everything will go OK, and that the kids do OK. And everything always turns out just fine.

So tonight’s performance was really fun. The kids did such a good job, and you could never tell that with all the snow days, that they missed any practices. We spent some time after the show congratulating the kids, parents, and also the instructors. How proud that everyone should feel. As for me? I also feel very proud of the kids. They all seem like just part of our family, and I feel grateful for the opportunity to be able to see them grow.

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