Elkader, Iowa

Every so often, some of my girlfriends and I get together to talk about.. well girl stuff. We had a chance to do just that on Tuesday night in Elkader, Iowa. We weren’t planning on meeting together until a little bit later, so after work I took a quick shower and then I was on my way to check out the town. Since I figured I’d have a little bit of time before we were getting together, I wanted to check out where I used to live. I moved to Elkader to do some on the job training when I went to a local Technical College way back in the day. This was the first time that I had an apartment, so it was really an exciting time for me. So as I’m driving down the street to where the house was, my first thoughts were why I couldn’t remember the ladies name that I took a room from. Man I hated that I couldn’t remember. I remembered where I worked and those co-workers names, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember the house owners name. So I thought maybe when I saw the house, that it would jog my memory. As I was getting closer to the place, I noticed that there wasn’t any houses at all on the street. Then I realized that the whole street, that was houses 32 years ago, were all gone with the flood that happened a couple of years ago. How weird of a feeling that was. Even though I only lived in the house for a couple of months one fall, it did really make me sad to know that it was gone and so was that memory. I couldn’t imagine who the people who actually owned all the houses felt when they were flooded and forced to tear their homes down. IMG_0147

So I decided to go and check out the river. Every day when I lived just down the street where I worked, I would walk to work right beside the river. It’s really pretty and the river goes right through town. And you guessed it, on Tuesday I grabbed my camera to see if I could get a picture. I was just a little nervous taking the picture because I walked down to the river past the open gate, down some little rock steps and then on to a small landing of rocks right beside the river. The picture turned out pretty good considering that I was being so careful not to fall in.

Elkader, Iowa

Elkader, Iowa

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