Ice block by Festina

When we were driving around Friday night, my brother was talking about this one farmer and how all the water and ice from the river had backed up into his fields.  So it sounded like a good road trip before we went out for supper, and off we went. Some of the roads let’s just say were pretty scary and I’d be telling a lie if I didn’t say that I held my breath more than once going through the mud on those roads. And after we got to the T intersection by this one farmers place – what did we do? Well we drove around the Road Closed sign and kept going. When we stopped on the bridge to check out what had happened, I just couldn’t believe it. I guess there was an ice block and there wasn’t any place for the water and ice to go but out into the fields. Where the water was supposed to be for the river, all you could see is chunks of ice and small trees and branches. And if the trees were still standing, a lot of the bark where the ice rubbed on it was gone. It was just amazing and I’ve never seen anything like it before. I took a picture of the one field where the water and ice backed up, and as far as you can see in the fields, was the ice that was left after the water was gone. I guess it’s just a good reminder that Mother Earth does really rule and the winter isn’t going away without a fight!

As far as you can see, all there was were blocks of ice from the river

As far as you can see, all there was were blocks of ice from the river

I couldn't imagine what this looked like with the water also in the fields

I couldn’t imagine what this looked like with the water also in the fields

Check out all the small trees that the ice stripped away

Check out all the small trees that the ice stripped away

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