Yard lights

If you live on the farm, there is one thing that you really notice if it’s not working. And what that would be is the yard light. I don’t know if everyone knows what a yard light is, but it’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a light that you put in your yard to keep the farm lit up. You have one to see who’s coming into your yard. and you use it to just check out everything that’s going on in your farm. But tonight it was by far the weirdest thing ever. I was making a late supper and noticed that there was something wrong outside. Now I was standing by the window just trying to figure out why it looked kind of grey or a funny blue color, and the yard light went out. Kind of freaky! So I told Daryl that the light was out and then the next time I walked through the room the light was on again. OK, so I said that it was on again and when I was checking it out, it went out again. Now there must be a short or something in that crazy light and I can’t imagine that going on and off is very good for it. But the last that I looked it’s been staying on, so that’s good. For awhile the only thing that you could see outside was the light that stays on in the chicken coop. When we don’t have a yard light it’s just pitch black in our yard and you really have to focus to see anything outside. Well I’m sure glad that we’re up and running again.

The glow from the chicken coop

The glow from the chicken coop

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