Chickens, Cows, and Frogs

Today I was thinking about all the different types of food there are. I left the chickens out this morning to hang out in the yard and they thought they found the best dinner buffet in the world. They were eating the corn pile that was left over when Daryl used some of the corn out of the bin, and they also were checking out if they could find anything else in the yard or in the grove of trees. While I was outside,  Daryl just got done grinding feed for the cows. They’ve been getting more and more tame lately, and I almost Ed eating out of my hand while I was holding some fresh corn. It was close, so I’m thinking trying to make friends again with the cows could be a possibility this summer. Well the chickens were happy with checking out what food was in the yard, and Daryl ground fresh feed for the cows .. so they had dinner and were also very happy. And what did I have for dinner yesterday? Check it out and see if you can guess what it is:

Dinner? Frog Legs

Did you guess a frog leg? Yup, that’s what it is. There are a group of guys that I work with that love to go bull frog catching at night,  and then they clean the frogs and put them in a spicy batter and cook them. So I was really excited to hear how they catch the frogs and more anxious to see what they taste like. Now I know that you’re probably thinking that I’ll say chicken right? But it tasted more like fish to me. It was good, but it sure seemed like a lot of work to get them. I asked them if they ever heard of anyone having a turtle soup supper, let me know. They said they haven’t heard about anyone serving turtles – but they knew a ‘Rocky Mountain Oyster’ supper coming up. Humm… I think I’ll wait for the turtles.  

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One Response to Chickens, Cows, and Frogs

  1. tammy k. says:

    yeah, and stay away from the ‘lamb fries’ too…. gag.

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